Phin City Parrot Head Club Welcomes You
Las Vegas Trop Rock
Fan Club

What is a Parrot Head?
A Parrot Head is an avid fan of music with a beachy vibe! We call it Trop Rock music and it was inspired by artists like Jimmy Buffett, Kenny Chesney, Zac Brown, Bob Marley and more. Being a Parrot Head is a lifestyle, a state of mind. A Parrot Head is anyone who enjoys the tropical atmosphere and spirit. A Parrot Head exists (if only in the mind) in a place where the seawater is warm, the trade winds blow gently, and the ice in the boat drink doesn’t melt too fast.

Monthly Phlockings
2nd Thursday of every month
at Tommy Rocker's Mojave Beach Bar and Grill
Social Get Togethers
See all events
A Bit About Us
PCPHC is committed to “Party with a Purpose”! Our purpose being to make a positive impact on our Las Vegas community by fundraising for various charity organizations and having a blast while we do it! We try to bring a little bit of the laid-back, tropical lifestyle to the desert! Great minds phlock together!